Profitable Small Commercial Insurance Quoting Made Easy

The Bold Penguin March 2022 Webinar Recap


In a recent Zoom poll conducted by Bold Penguin, more than 80% of insurance professionals cited either “takes too much time” or “too much wasted effort” as “their biggest hurdles to quoting small commercial.” Think about that statistic: eight out of ten people who are trained and/or licensed to sell insurance believe that it’s not worth the effort to quote a product cited in a McKinsey and Co study as “one of the bright spots in the US insurance market.” 

So let’s focus on this bright spot, small commercial insurance…  

Yes, quoting small commercial can be a complex and fragmented journey–especially when compared to some personal lines products. However, with the right tools and approach, delivering an effortless small commercial quoting experience to customers can be the engine that powers growth for any independent agency. 

In Taking Control: How to Turn Up the Volume on Small Commercial Quoting, Bold Penguin’s Marc DeLeonibus and Shawn Dell–two seasoned veterans of the agency game–demonstrate how the Bold Penguin Terminal can make agents more efficient and more profitable by eliminating repetitive data entry and other tasks that slow quoting and binding for customers.

“This is the exact software I wish I’d had back when I was an agent–and if it existed back then I would absolutely still be an agent today.” –Marc DeLeonibus, co-founder, Bold Penguin 

What does this mean in the real world? Shawn and Marc walk us through a live small commercial quoting session to show how business owners can visit any agency’s physical or virtual offices and leave with multiple ready-to-bind insurance quotes for policies that fit the customer’s unique needs. Not tomorrow, not in a few hours, but in minutes or even seconds. 


We’ve archived the video from this presentation to show how agencies coast to coast are effortlessly quoting small commercial insurance by using Bold Penguin’s proprietary software to create a single point of entry to: 

  • Standardize and simplify information input to navigate carrier portals with ease 
  • Access more markets with less effort–including both sub- and direct appointments
  • Utilize tech that puts you, the agent, in control of a customer’s business from quote to bind.  

Spend a few moments watching this short session to learn about the tools that will transform small commercial from a challenge into an opportunity.

Want to know even more about how  Bold Penguin is transforming the small commercial game for independent agencies everywhere? 

Contact us to schedule a one-on-one live demo of the Bold Penguin Terminal.

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