Chat with the Penguins

We've had many opportunities to share our story and how we are disrupting the commercial insurance industry.


Check out our interviews and podcasts below.

Conquering Columbus

Insurance from the Schvitz Podcast:

From Founder to CEO

Small Biz America

InsNerds Double Feature

(Episode 18)

(Episode 19)

Trusted Choice's Agency Nation Ryan Hanley

Recent Articles

Tips to avoid the pitfalls of tempting, but short-sighted, cheap insurance that could have potential negative consequences for the insured and the agent

EMPLOYERS workers’ compensation insurance joins growing list of specialty carriers available in the Bold Penguin Terminal

The first installment in the Bold Penguin series on Unique Risks For Evolving Industries addresses the risks of digital entrepreneurs in an evolved, post-pandemic landscape and the resulting recommended insurance for freelancers and online retailers.

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